Every year most people spend hours trying to make decisions as to which gifts they should buy for their Dads on their birthdays, Father’s Day and at Christmas. With every Dad having their own personalities, hobbies and jobs, finding the perfect gift isn’t always as easy as we might initially think it is. From practical to joke gifts, here is a list of some of the presents that might make a hit.

- Tyre inflator
Some Dads seem to prefer practical gifts that have a purpose. Tyre inflators, that they can keep inside their vehicle if they want to, mean they can check and correct the tyre pressure whenever they want to. No need for them to travel to the garage if they don’t need to, or to immediately need to call their recovery service providers if they can inflate their tyre and move to safety. - Fitness watches
Want to keep track of how many steps they’ve been doing or calories they’ve burnt off whilst exercising? There are a growing number of watches available that let people keep on top of both these things, as well as other achievements. Some also have links to messages, phone calls and other information gathered on our phones. Depending on the amount of money you’re planning to spend, there appears to be plenty of options available. - Speakers
From smart speakers that you can speak to make requests and waterproof transferable speakers, to practical and sound enriching speakers of various sizes, sound enhancers can be a great hit with many parents. This option can be practical and impressive, as well as having a wide cost range. - Money vouchers
For lots of people, it doesn’t seem to matter how long they spend searching for the perfect gift they struggle to feel confident that they have found something that their Dad will be happy with. Some people are happy to pass cash on so their Dad can make his own choice, buying something that he chooses or keeping hold of it. Despite that, some people don’t like the idea for various reasons. The alternative option could to be get your Dad a voucher. From choosing a specific shop that sells items that relate to his hobbies or likes, to getting a voucher for an online retailer that covers a wide range of items, there appears to be many options available. - Drinks
Everyday Dad is different. Some Dads enjoy drinking lagers, bitters, ciders and/or ales, whilst others enjoy spirits including drinks such as whiskeys and gins. On top of that, there are also parents who enjoy alcohol free drinks. If you know there are specific drinks that your Dad chooses and has a passion for, buying drinks can be an option that makes you feel more confident about your gift option. Additionally, if your Dad enjoys trying different brands related to his preferred drinks option, you have an opportunity to brave introducing him to a new product that could be an enormous success. From alcoholic to non-alcoholic drinks there are a huge number of options out there!